Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Don’t Tax the Rich. Tax Inequality Itself. (NY Times)


Anonymous TOTJ Steve said...

All right, I'll bite. I'm not a conservative, but I'm not a far left liberal, either; I'm certainly no economist. But the next time these two draft an op-ed, they may want to think it through. Their proposal does nothing to address income inequality, which they suggest (I think correctly) poses a problem for our democracy. It simply penalizes high earners. They are still high earners, and the proposal does nothing to bring up the lower end -- the median number. Somehow, I don't see this proposal as much of an incentive for the 1 percent to see to a rise in the median number.

Tue Dec 20, 12:03:00 PM 2011  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

" . . . the proposal does nothing to bring up the lower end -- the median number. Somehow, I don't see this proposal as much of an incentive for the 1 percent to see to a rise in the median number."

Good point.

Wed Dec 21, 10:02:00 AM 2011  

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